Typhonus The Chimera

Basic Information

Requirements to Summon: Chimera Claw, Chimera Horns and Chimera Skull
Min Level Requirement to Summon: 185
HP: 650,000,000
Time Limit: 168 hours
Max Players Allowed: 145

  • 50 people levels 150+
  • 35 people levels 100-149
  • 30 people levels 50-99
  • 30 people levels1-49

Divine Items

Typhonus has a divine armor which blocks 45% of damage per attack. It deteriorates at a rate of 0.18% per 1 divine power. It will take at least 250 divine power to nullify it completely.

Siege Weapons

Siege Weapon Damage Number of Assists
Earth_siege_small1.gif Valerian Soldiers 16,000,000 15
Earth_siege_small2.gif Elven Rangers 19,200,000 30
Castle_siege_small1.gif Dwarven Militia 22,300,000 45
Castle_siege_small2.gif Archer Allies 25,000,000 60
Skaar_siege_small2.gif Gray Wizards 28,000,000 75
Castle_siege_small3.gif Elven Allies 37,000,000 100
Castle_siege_small4.gif Knight Allies 40,000,000 150
castle_siege_small5.gif Paladin Allies 45,000,000 200
earth_siege_small5.gif Silverlight Angels 45,000,000 250
castle_siege_small6.gif Hero Allies 52,000,000 300
Total Siege Damage 330,000,000 1225


Epic Chance Drops

Rare Chance Drops

Victory Dialogue

Word of a terrible monster in the southern part of Valeria has filtered back to main city. You and your battalion of men have been ordered to investigate and to slay the beast before it interferes with food production in that region. If the food supplies are destroyed, it would mean starvation for hundreds of thousands of Valerians. You quickly gather your men and begin the long journey south.
As you reach the borders of the southern territories, you realize the land is desolate and the ground has been charred black. Whatever people or crops use to be here, are now gone, as if they were burned into oblivion. You must ride quickly or there will be nothing left to save.

You continue along the coastline until you see smoke in the distance. From afar, you can just barely make out the form of a creature. You are not quite sure if your eyes deceive you. The beast has three heads but they all stem from the same body. The head of a lion, a goat, and a snake each competing fiercely with each other, moving in various directions. You can see fire stream from both the mouth of the lion and the goat. What a fearsome creature! You can sense your men growing uneasy at the sight of the monster. However, the lives of many rest on you and the shoulders of your men so you push forward.

Your best chance at defeating the beast is to perform a surprise attack from behind. The problem is surprising a monster with three heads. You settle on having a few of your bravest men attract the attention of the three heads while the rest of the battalion makes its attack. Three of your men ride out first and begin to shoot arrows at each of the heads. Each of the chimera's heads turn to face their respective attacker.

You realize the plan will fail, as both the goat and lion heads reel back and spew flames at its attackers. The screams from the men send chills down your spine. The snakehead's attacker looks toward the direction of his fallen comrades and makes a dash toward them. You scream out to him to turn back but it is too late. The snake snaps forward and impales the rider with its massive fangs. The lone ride lets out a yelp before the poison from the fangs turns him into a stiff corpse.

Not only was your plea to help the snake's victim in vain, it also unfortunately drew the attention of the other heads. You motion for your men to scramble. To stay grouped up would only make it easier for the chimera to dispatch all of you at once. Flames spew forth from the the goat and lion again. The heat is so intense that even if you were the avoid the flames, being it its vicinity would severely burn you. The flames are not your only problem as you must avoid the strikes from the snake. As you hear the screams of your perished men, you realize you have no choice but to take drastic measures.

You pull alongside the lion's head of the chimera and leap from your horse onto the monster's leg. The leg is scaly like a large serpent making it hard to get a firm grasp but you pull yourself up with all your strength and make it onto the back of the beast. You realize the snakehead has noticed your presence and turns its full attention towards you. The snake lunges at you and makes a stab at you but you easily avoid the strike.

A plan quickly comes to mind. You stare directly at the snake again. Its tongue flickers in and out. As you stare in the beast's eyes, you seem to make a connection with it and see visions of mass destruction. Is this the past or the future you are seeing? You see large titans walking across Valeria and laying waste to it. You are snapped back into reality as you sense the snake about to strike again. You must time this perfectly or it will be the end of you. In an instant, the snake lunges forward. You hold back the urge to jump early and wait… and wait…. NOW! You jump out of the way, narrowly avoid the razor-sharp fangs of the serpent. The forward momentum carries the serpent's bite directly into the chimera's back. The beast roars in pain and thrashes wildly. With the snake's fangs still buried within the chimera, you take your mighty weapon and swing towards the back of the head cleaving through the neck cleanly. The chimera again screams in anguish and thrashes from side-to-side.

You lose your footing and fall off the chimera's back. You brace yourself for the fall. The lion and goat heads stare at you with deathly intent. The beast rears back and prepares to unleash fiery hell on you. However, you are ready for it! As the flames fly overhead, you roll under the gaping mouth of the goat head, avoiding the flames, and instinctively thrust your weapon upwards. Your weapon hits the target as it pieces the the throat. The chimera lets out a blood-curdling screech. The beast staggers back and tries to unleash another breath of flame. However, with the pierced throat, the flame breath backfires and sets the chimera itself ablaze. The stench of burning flesh stings your eyes, but your only thoughts are of the visions of destruction…

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